Dastarcus helophoroides

Dastarcus helophoroides, falling into coleoptera and Bothrideridae family is the predatory beetle that attacks various long horned beetles such as Anoplophoranobilis, A. glabripennis and A. chinensis. A female D. helophoroides lays 1,000 eggs every year,

  • Use for
  • How it works
  • Product specifications
  • Directions for use
  • Product handling

Use for

Use for

Various long-horned beetle

How it works

How it works

Mode of Action

As soon as Dastarcus helophroides are released into the field, the adult Dastarcus helophoroides will actively search for and feed on long horned beetles until the long horned beetles are consumed entirely.

Product specifications

Product specifications

Pack Size

20 adults/tube

Directions for use

Directions for use

Application Method

Place the tube containing the adults on the branch near the holes bored by the long horned beetles.


The ratio of target pests and Dastarcus helophoroides is at 50: 1, or 100:1 depending on the infestation pressure of long-horned beetle.

Product handling

Product handling

Storage time after receipt

1-2 days 

Storage temperature during transport and storage
